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May 2022 - July 2022
Structural textile research / Weaving / Arduino
A collection of woven samples that reveal the interactions between bodies and electrons

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Les électrons naviguent autour de la Pétiole ; a collection of woven samples.
All around us, imperceptibly, are electrons. Activity around the textile is interpreted by the electronic board and translated into light signals.
Just as the petiole connects the blade of a leaf to its base, these woven interfaces form the link between the bodies that interact together. They raise awareness of the way we move through space, the way we interact with perceptible and imperceptible materials.
The plant fibres combined with the interplay of weaving weaves add textural variations that encourage us to manipulate and feel through touch.

This was a stage in the research I carried out last year while writing Textiliser le Numérique, my master's thesis at EnsAD.
Each sample, made of cotton, wool, viscose, plant fibres and metal threads, can be connected to an electronic board. For the moment, the signal is translated using an LED to indicate a variation. At a later stage, the signal will be interpreted more sensitively rather than in this way.
To be continued...

Arduino part created with Olivier Bienz's help at @lan.ensad

Sample n°01

Sample n°02

Echantillon n°03

Sample n°04

Sample n°05

On the loom

© 2019 par Maude Guirault

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